
Showing posts from January, 2018


The latest example of how political power influences our every day lives was on display again this week with our very own Lord missing out on getting recognition at the music awards in the USA. Most people will just accept the lies and believe that she missed out because someone else was better than her. The truth is of course that she missed out because she did the right thing and cancelled her concert in Israel , which is what her fans wanted. But the music industry in the USA is controlled by Jews and they have an enormous amount influence in American politics, so much so that this small country can and does flout international law as well as countless UN directives all because of the powerful Jewish lobby in America. Even though I am no fan of her music all indications where  that she would win . Its a very sad affair when entertainers only get recognition if they toe the ruling party line. Good for her for standing up to these bullies although I fear it may be the end of her

the elites

The power brokers of this planet have been around for thousands of years. There have been rumors for hundreds of years of this group and now they have decided that in today's world where the population have access to and can share so much information that the best place to hide is in plain site. Every year the worlds movers and shakers hold a very public meeting at Bilderberg Dresden Germany where they discuss the worlds problems in total secrecy. No agenda is set, no minutes are kept and no one is allowed to reveal what is talk about. At the core are 40 members and a further 100 invited attendees. Bering in mind that these 140 people in some way or other employ everyone else on this planet and any decision that they make literally effects not only how we live but if we live. If it is all above board why not reveal what is being said. What are they hiding Go Nuts 

To Cone or not to cone

It has been over 30 years since the economic experiment began that swept thousands of people out of jobs that they thought were theirs for life. They included the railways , p & T ( forerunner to Telecom) that made 5000 and 6000 people redundant at the stroke of a pen . Now these people didn't actually do anything so there was a good argument for redundancies to happen but they had to go somewhere. I believe I now know where most of them ended up, they are employed in the safety industry and in traffic management . As before they still don't preform any worthwhile function but at least they are employed again. Don't believe me? Have a look on the road next time , how many people are employed to put out cones, now think about who makes them, someone has to buy them and supply them there are even people who clean the dam things and they are everywhere. Every temporary sign has at least three around it, If you want to do anything on your road crossing to your home you
Money Where does money come from? If you said from the bank, that people have deposited then you are obviously in the wrong blog space We all know that the reserve bank issues money to the banks to distribute to us ,the customers and that if a bank receives $1 million in deposits it can, and does, lend out $10 million in loans that it then receives interest on. In effect the bank makes money from lending money that it doesn't have  But the next question has to be , where does the reserve bank get its money from that it distributes to the local banks,does it simply "print" more money or does it, as some would have us believe borrow from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). If we do borrow from the IMF then where do they get the money from. Do they just "print" it as well , I highlight the word print because there is no such thing now as printed money it is merely a number, a book entry. The following is a list from the IMF of defaulting countries


Is this guy Trump for real? Now he is saying to the leader of another country that ""my guns are bigger than your guns" The worry is that he surrounds himself with not only yes men but women as well. The united nations ambassador has even said that North Korea "is begging for war" like a small country about the size of New Zealand is desperate to be wiped out, yea right Go Nuts