
Showing posts from March, 2018

new leader

I do so enjoy listening to politicians, the way they change their views from one day to the next while at the same time keeping a straight face. The latest to demonstrate his ability to do complete u turns is the new opposition leader, yesterday he stated, and I presume he was being serious, that there is a housing crisis in NZ. I can recall him standing behind the then prime minister and nodding in agreement when the prime minister said “What housing crisis, there is no housing crisis it’s all a media beat up”. Any politician that asks the voting public for their support must demonstrate that they have a set of principles and they are willing to stick by them, after all that is what we elected them on. The public have had enough of our elected leaders shifting positions to follow opinion polls, that is why we threw out the last lot, we are hungry for our leaders to lead. Simon Bridges would do well to reflect on his new view on the housing crisis that the previous governme