I have just watched a programme on tv about former president of the USA Richard Nixon and his involvement in the Watergate affair that resulted in his resignation from office. I couldn’t help but have this feeling that the current president is following the same script. Nixon also thought that he was above the law and that he could fire anyone who looked like they would follow the evidence and implicate him. Will Trumps legacy be how he got thrown out of the highest office in the country in his first term Go Nuts
new leader
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I do so enjoy listening to politicians, the way they change their views from one day to the next while at the same time keeping a straight face. The latest to demonstrate his ability to do complete u turns is the new opposition leader, yesterday he stated, and I presume he was being serious, that there is a housing crisis in NZ. I can recall him standing behind the then prime minister and nodding in agreement when the prime minister said “What housing crisis, there is no housing crisis it’s all a media beat up”. Any politician that asks the voting public for their support must demonstrate that they have a set of principles and they are willing to stick by them, after all that is what we elected them on. The public have had enough of our elected leaders shifting positions to follow opinion polls, that is why we threw out the last lot, we are hungry for our leaders to lead. Simon Bridges would do well to reflect on his new view on the housing crisis that the previous governme...
police powers
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Society is only held together by the respect that the average person has for authority, without this respect or even fear we are left with anarchy and destruction. This respect is very hard to achieve and very easily lost. We are not unique with our attitude to roading police, world wide they are disliked even despised with the common view that they are merely tax collectors with more interest in issuing tickets than the often official line "of saving lives". The mistake made here in NZ was in 1992 when the then minister of police ,John Banks, played the old law and order card to get elected and promised to increase the police by 900 officers. This ploy worked and so to keep his promise he amalgamated the traffic cops into the police force and in one foul swoop kept his pledge without adding a single extra officer. That one act did more to undermine the relationship between the police and the public since the springbok fiasco of 1981. It is a credit to the NZ public that ...
leaders race
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A fresh face has emerged in the race for the leadership of the national party, Mark Mitchell. This man has emerged out of nowhere to suddenly be a contender. Anyone who has read the book "Dirty Politics" will recognize the name as one of our many MPs who pay Jordan Williams to manage firstly their selection and their public profile. Should this man be selected he would owe Mr Williams a debt of gratitude. Is it a happy coincidence that Mr Mitchell is receiving so much publicity at the moment or are the public and the media being manipulated by these behind the scenes personal coaches. Go Nuts
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The latest example of how political power influences our every day lives was on display again this week with our very own Lord missing out on getting recognition at the music awards in the USA. Most people will just accept the lies and believe that she missed out because someone else was better than her. The truth is of course that she missed out because she did the right thing and cancelled her concert in Israel , which is what her fans wanted. But the music industry in the USA is controlled by Jews and they have an enormous amount influence in American politics, so much so that this small country can and does flout international law as well as countless UN directives all because of the powerful Jewish lobby in America. Even though I am no fan of her music all indications where that she would win . Its a very sad affair when entertainers only get recognition if they toe the ruling party line. Good for her for standing up to these bullies although I fear it may be the end of ...
the elites
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The power brokers of this planet have been around for thousands of years. There have been rumors for hundreds of years of this group and now they have decided that in today's world where the population have access to and can share so much information that the best place to hide is in plain site. Every year the worlds movers and shakers hold a very public meeting at Bilderberg Dresden Germany where they discuss the worlds problems in total secrecy. No agenda is set, no minutes are kept and no one is allowed to reveal what is talk about. At the core are 40 members and a further 100 invited attendees. Bering in mind that these 140 people in some way or other employ everyone else on this planet and any decision that they make literally effects not only how we live but if we live. If it is all above board why not reveal what is being said. What are they hiding Go Nuts
To Cone or not to cone
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It has been over 30 years since the economic experiment began that swept thousands of people out of jobs that they thought were theirs for life. They included the railways , p & T ( forerunner to Telecom) that made 5000 and 6000 people redundant at the stroke of a pen . Now these people didn't actually do anything so there was a good argument for redundancies to happen but they had to go somewhere. I believe I now know where most of them ended up, they are employed in the safety industry and in traffic management . As before they still don't preform any worthwhile function but at least they are employed again. Don't believe me? Have a look on the road next time , how many people are employed to put out cones, now think about who makes them, someone has to buy them and supply them there are even people who clean the dam things and they are everywhere. Every temporary sign has at least three around it, If you want to do anything on your road crossing to your home you...