Cell Phone Law

The law banning the use of cell phones while driving is poorly drafted and needs to be challenged in court.
While the intention may be admirable, after all who could argue against texting while driving especially if like me you need to look at what you are doing, this is obviously dangerous. However as this law now stands it is open to interpretation on what does it mean to use a cell phone while driving. Some police seem to think that if you are stationary at traffic lights or in  a gridlock situation  where no one is moving then the ban applies. This I find absurd. Also the phrase , to use your cell phone, logic would say the ban would only apply to  texting or calling but again some police believe that if you look at your phone to check the time, or even pick your phone up off the seat next to you and look at it before pocketing it then that constitutes using your cell phone. This may sound farfetched but it has happened to someone I know.
Most people who get stung from this law simply pay up and move on because it is not worth the hassle of having to first go to court to plead not guilty and then to go back again to the hearing, they can simply pay online without the need to attend any hearing.

The problem is of course that poorly drafted laws that need to be interperated by the police has the effect of inconsistency , is this shoddy type of law making what we as taxpayers deserve or is it too much to ask of our law makers to do their job properly

Go Nuts


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