First World Economy

We tell ourselves that we are a first world economy.
Try telling that to people with no job no hope and no future. The news is full of examples of homeless people, beggars in the streets, violence against innocent people, murders, children going to school hungry and not to mention the terrible family abuse and regular killing of children. If anyone still believes we live in a first world country they obviously haven’t looked outside their gated community.
These issues were not helped by a national government that was happy to collect tax from its citizens but at the same time reduces services that this tax was supposed to provide. How much longer must we continue with this economic experiment where the government hopes private companies will do what we the taxpayers already pay them to do.

When we elect politicians to office we expect them to lead , not to abdicate all responsibility and hope market forces will fix everything, If this was possible, why would we need politicians. 

Go Nuts
