
Showing posts from February, 2018

police powers

Society is only held together by the respect that the average person has for authority, without this respect or even fear we are left with anarchy and destruction. This respect is very hard to achieve and very easily lost. We are not unique with our attitude to roading police, world wide they are disliked even despised with the common view that they are merely tax collectors with more interest in issuing tickets than the often official line "of saving lives". The mistake made here in NZ was in 1992 when the then minister of police ,John Banks, played the old law and order card to get elected and promised to increase the police by 900 officers. This ploy worked and so to keep his promise he amalgamated the traffic cops into the police force and in one foul swoop kept his pledge without adding a single extra officer. That one act did more to undermine the relationship between the police and the public since the springbok fiasco of 1981. It is a credit to the NZ public that

leaders race

A fresh face has emerged in the race for the leadership of the national party, Mark Mitchell. This man has emerged out of nowhere to suddenly be a contender. Anyone who has read the book "Dirty Politics" will recognize the name as one of our many MPs who pay Jordan Williams to manage firstly their selection and their public profile. Should this man be selected he would owe Mr Williams a debt of gratitude. Is it a happy coincidence that Mr Mitchell is receiving so much publicity at the moment or are the public and the media being manipulated by these behind the scenes personal coaches. Go Nuts